Cat Health
We are a PKD/FELV/FIV free cattery.
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), Feline Leukemia (Felv), Feline Immunodeficiency virus (FIV)
We DNA test our breeder cats for single fold gene to ensure all of our breeders are heterozygous for the gene and therefore only produces kittens with one fold gene.
The fold gene in the Scottish Fold, if not bred responsibly, can cause crippling arthritis if two folds are mated together.
Breed Health - Contrary to what you may read or hear, there has been no harm that comes from crossbreeding the Munchkin and Scottish Fold. The two naturally occurring mutations are not related, and the gene that causes the fold has nothing to do with the gene that causes the short bones in a munchkin. No extra health issues come from breeding Munchkin & SF.
Munchkin cats are a remarkably hearty breed, with few breed-specific health problems. They can jump, run and play as well as a long-legged kitten can. The shortest kittens tend not to climb as much on high counters.
Polycystic Kidney Disease
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), first reported in 1967, is an inherited disease in Persian and Persian-cross cats. It has also been diagnosed in British Shorthairs, Exotics, Scottish Folds, and Himalayans.
We also DNA test our breeders for PKD and can show you test results. We only breed if those results are clear. DNA proof can be found on our breeders' page. Only our customers that have paid a deposit has access to our DNA results.
Feline Panleukopenia-Herpesvirus-Calcivirus
Respiratory viruses are endemic – occurring almost everywhere – in the feline population. These vaccinations can be administered individually but they are most often combined in one vaccination referred to as FVRCP or HCP. At 9 weeks old, your kitten will be given the first shot for the FVRCP. At 12 weeks, it is important for you to get the 2nd set of FVRCP for full immunization. Your kitten should get a booster vaccination at one year. After that, your cat can get FVRCP shots every three years.
An incurable illness transmitted by the bites of infected animals. Because humans can get rabies if bitten by a rabid animal, the rabies vaccination is required by law in virtually every state. Your kitten should have his first rabies shot between the ages of 8 and 12 weeks and a booster one year later. After that, he will need a rabies vaccination every three years (unless annual vaccination is required in your area).
Although the leukemia shot is considered non-core, the AAFP recommends that all kittens get vaccinated against feline leukemia. The leukemia shot for kittens is administered as two doses, three to four weeks apart. If your kitten goes outdoors, your vet will recommend an annual vaccination against leukemia. However, if you keep him indoors only, you won't need to get this vaccination. If you have other cats that go outside or could come into contact with your cat, you may want to consider getting the vaccine. We are a FELV free cattery and will not give this shot